
Friday, July 3, 2015

Brahmagupta, one of the greatest Indian mathematicians

Brahmagupta (c. 598- c. 670) was one of the most significant mathematicians of ancient India. He introduced extremely influential concepts to basic mathematics, including the use of zero in mathematical calculations and the use of mathematics and algebra in describing and predicting astronomical events.
He was born in 598 at Bhillmala, a city in the state of Rajasthan of present-day Northwest India. As a result, he is often referred to as Bhillmalacharya (the teacher from Bhillmala). He was the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain. His father’s name was Jisnugupta.

Works of Brahmagupta:
Brahmagupta wrote two surviving treatises, both on mathematics and astronomy:
  1. The Brahmasphutasiddhanta and
  2. The Khandakhadyaka

Aryabhatta, the pioneer of astronomy

Aryabhatta or Aryabhatta I (476–550 CE) was the first of the major mathematician astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. He was born in 476 in Ashmaka, the region between the Narmada and Godavari rivers in central India.
He went to Kusumapura (Pataliputra, modern Patna) for advanced studies and lived there for some time. He was the head of an institution (kulapa) at Kusumapura and might have been the head of the Nalanda University.

Aryabhatta is the author of several treatises on mathematics and astronomy, some of which are lost. His works include-
  1.          Aryabhatiyam and
  2.          Arya-siddhanta.

The Aryabhatiyam is also known as Ashmakatantra (the treatise from the Ashmaka) and Arya-shatas-asta (literally, Aryabhata's 108). It was extensively referred to in the Indian mathematical literature. It presented a number of innovations in mathematics and astronomy in verse form, which were influential for many centuries. The extreme brevity of the text was elaborated in commentaries by his disciple Bhaskara I and by Nilakantha Somayaji in his Aryabhatiya Bhasya. The text consists of the 108 verses and 13 introductory verses, and is divided into four Pādas or chapters:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

About bangladesh

Bangladesh appeared on the world map as an independent and sovereign state on December 16, 1971 following the victory at the war of liberation with Pakistan. Bangladesh is a country in south Asia; and is bordered by India to its west, north and east; Burma to its southeast and separated from Nepal and Bhutan by the Chicken's Neck corridor. To its south, it faces the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh has flat plains and most of the country is situated on deltas of large rivers flowing from the Himalayans. Bangladesh has a traditional economic system in which the allocation of available resources is made on the basis of inheritance and primitive methods.  Dhaka is the capital and largest city; the nation's other major city is Chittagong.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Measurement of pond water quality

Water is one of the most important and abundant compounds of the ecosystem. All living organisms on the earth need water for their survival and growth. As of now only earth is the planet having about 70 % of water. But due to increased human population, industrialization, use of fertilizers in the agriculture and man-made activity it is highly polluted with different harmful contaminants. Therefore it is necessary that the quality of drinking water should be checked at regular time interval, because due to use of contaminated drinking water, human population suffers from varied of water borne diseases. so the study of water parameter is needed for analysis.
 The availability of good quality water is an indispensable feature for preventing diseases and improving quality of life.